Online therapy is just like regular in-person therapy but you have the flexibility to attend from wherever you are, whether you are at work, at home, or somewhere else. Online therapy, also called telehealth, teletherapy, e-therapy, and remote therapy, takes place through a secure video service using your own laptop or phone. We use HIPAA-compliant, confidential technology so you don’t have to worry about your privacy when you meet with your therapist.
Why Choose Telehealth?
Regular in-person appointments can be challenging. Online therapy may be a great option if you:
- Have health concerns or are home-bound
- Want to avoid a commute
- Travel frequently
- Live in a rural community
- Need to be with children
- Feel more comfortable with a video meeting
Getting Started Is Easy!
1. Complete your intake form.
Visit our client portal and take a few moments to fill out your intake form to help us understand your needs.
2. Schedule an appointment.
Select your therapist and request an appointment slot that works for you.
3. Meet with your therapist.
Connect with your therapist and start your journey.